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Showing posts from September, 2020


  If experts and the media are to be believed “The Cliff” is coming. I believe they are referring to the financial impact that will hit when Job Keeper and Job Seeker payments cease. The government is doing their best to soften the blow by staggering the dates on which the payments end, due to individual and business eligibility. Hopefully this will help, however a lot of families have already reached their cliff and more will have cliffs around the corner. I believe now is as good (or better) time as any to learn the art of frugality. Try an extreme frugal month Extreme frugality may sound scary to a lot of people and that is why I suggest you give it a go for just one month. See it as a challenge! And if you have teenagers like I do then at least they know there is an end in sight. Extreme frugality can look different to different people. It doesn’t mean renting your house and living in a tent in a farmer’s paddock (but hey if you want to give that a go, I’m sure it would be c...